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Fund Raising for Charities

During 2024 the choir raised £4,300 for the local charity New Chapters.

In 2023 the choir raised £4,325 for Rufus’ Friends’ Fund and £336 for Myton Hospice.

Concert Dates for 2025

Concert dates planned so far for 2025:

Saturday 5th April at St Nicholas Church, Kenilworth. A Journey around Africa with Zimbe with a small Jazz band and Warwickshire Youth Choir.

Saturday 19th July at All Saints Parish Church, Leamington Spa. Summer Spectacular Anniversary Concert with Cubbington Silver Band.

Saturday 13th December at St Nicholas Church, Warwick. Village Voices Christmas Concert.

More details to follow.



Christmas Concert December 2024

Our Christmas Concert, Amid The Falling Snow, was held on 14th December 7.30pm at St. Nicholas Church, Warwick, where we raised £1,800 for New Chapters, our chosen charity for 2024.

Joining us in concert were:

Musical Director: Kieron Howe who has a long list of musical achievements and commitments, and the choir is so fortunate ‘he took us on’ in 2022.

Pianist: Roger Haygreen, our accompanist since 2010. Like Kieron he has a long list of musical achievements and we don’t know what we would do without him!

Flute: Sophie Robertson who plays flute in North Leamington Wind Band, Warwickshire County Wind Band, the recent Swan Youth Orchestra course and more.

Pianist: Julie Edwards an accomplished musician who directs and plays for Southam Melodymakers and is the accompanist for a number of singing groups.

Singing Group: Singing for Fun run by Kieron and set up in 2017 as a new enterprise of Warwickshire County Council’s Adult & Community Learning Team. It provides wonderful musical, health-giving and bonding experiences with a membership of at least 30.

Clarinet: Peter Wimpenny, a member of Village Voices and multi-instrument soloist and folk band player.

Concert Programme

Below are some recordings from the concert:

Village Voices

Amid the Falling Snow Words: Roma Ryan, Music: Enya & Nicky Ryan

Ding Dong! Merrily on High 16th century French melody, arr. Peter Hunt

Village Voices and Singing for Fun

Te Harinui – Christmas song from New Zealand Willow Mack, arr. Wendy Sergeant

Village Voices

Coventry Carol 16th century English, arr. Martin Shaw

Shepherd’s Pipe Carol Words and music by John Rutter

Village Voices and Singing for Fun

Gaudete Piae Cantiones, 1582

Village Voices

Love Came Down Words: Cristina Rosetti, Music: Craig McLeish

Away in a Manger 19th century American, Melody: W.J Kirkpatrick

Winter Waltz Based on the poem Winter Waltz by Christy Ann Martine, Music: Wendy Sergeant

Warwick District Remembers 2024

On the evening of Saturday 9th November at the Spa Centre, Village Voices took part in the moving and reflective act of remembrance known as Warwick District Remembers.



The choir’s repertoire for the Concert included:

Siyahamba, *National Anthem, Something Inside So Strong, This is Home, Harbour,

*Rule Britannia (chorus), *Nearer my God to Thee, Shores of Normandy, Greater Love,

*Jerusalem and *I Vow to Thee my Country. *Denotes audience participation songs.



Very many thanks to our musical director, Kieron Howe and our accompanist, Roger Haygreen, for enabling the choir to perform so effectively. Also many thanks to all those behind the scenes, who worked so hard before, during and after the event.

The choir singing Harbour:


The evening was organised by Adrian Barton and was a mixture of music, poetry, pageantry and religious service that was a fitting homage to remember those who have given their lives in various conflicts.

There is no glory in war and this event did not glorify war. It was an act of remembrance for those who died. Those who find themselves embroiled in conflict do not necessarily do so out of choice, yet their lives come to an abrupt, inglorious end in some far-flung part of the world. Those of us who benefit from their ultimate sacrifice have little to give in return. All we can give to them is remembrance.

They grow not old as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

It was a privilege for Village Voices to take part in this act of remembrance.


20th July 2024

On Saturday 20th July 7.30pm at Dale Street Methodist Church, Leamington CV32 5HL Village Voices presented a concert to a packed audience in aid of the local charity New Chapters, which included:

Movements from Zimbe! – Alexander L’Estrange,
Adiemus – Karl Jenkins,
Sing Gently – Eric Whitacre,
Greater Love – Ireland,
Locus Iste – Bruckner,
Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton,
Something Inside So Strong – Labi Siffre.

As Alexander L’Estrange turns 50, Karl Jenkins turns 80, and Anton Bruckner would have been 200, Village Voices celebrated some of their fabulous music with space for celebration and reflection.


We also remembered the 110th anniversary of the start of WWI and the 80th anniversary of D-Day with John Ireland’s music setting the words ‘Greater Love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends’.

Concert Programme

We invited the audience to bathe in the beautiful sounds of Eric Whitacre’s Sing Gently and finished the concert back in Africa with Labi Siffre’s empowering Something Inside So Strong.

Those attending were also captivated by the amazingly talented brothers: Edouard Scherer on alto saxophone and Martin Scherer on Euphonium, who added an extra musical dimension to the evening.

Very many thanks to our musical director, Kieron Howe and accompanist, Roger Haygreen, for making the evening such a resounding success.

Also many thanks to all those behind the scenes, including those who prepared the raffle prizes and sold tickets; provided the delicious refreshments and the catering team; and those who moved all the furniture before and after the concert.

Not forgetting those who organised the concert and created and distributed the publicity material.

Finally, many thanks to Dale Street Methodist Church for allowing us to use their lovely venue.

Below are some recordings from the concert:

This is Home by Sophia Efthimiou

Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton arr. Roger Emerson

Something Inside So Strong by Labi Siffre arr. Jonathan Wikeley

Siyahamba & Freedom is Coming Traditional arr. Alexander L’Estrange

Sing Gently by Eric Whitacre

Roses of Picardy lyrics by Fred E. Weatherley music Haydn Wood arr. Peter Irvine

Greater Love Hath No Man by John Ireland

Locus Iste by Anthon Bruckner

Adiemus by Karl Kenkins

I will Sing with the Spirit by John Rutter


Updates about the choir’s events will be displayed on this webpage, as they become available.