Membership Details

  • Rehearsals are held at Northgate Methodist Church, Warwick CV34 4TH on Thursday evenings between 7.30 – 9.30pm.
  • Formal auditions are not held. However, within the first few weeks, the Musical Director will check your range and discuss with you where you would be best placed within the choir.
  • New members can attend three rehearsals for a trial period before deciding whether to join.
  • Members are expected to attend regularly especially prior to a concert.
  • Choir fees are approximately £45 per term payable at the beginning of each term, usually January, April and September.
  • All music is provided by the choir although a £10 refundable deposit is asked for from new members.
  • Tea and coffee are provided during rehearsals free of charge.
  • There is a dress code for concerts:
    • Gentlemen wear a black suit, white shirt, black shoes and a red bow tie, which is provided by the choir.
    • Ladies wear a long black skirt or trousers (no jeans), black top, black shoes and a red rose, which is provided by the choir.
  • At the termination of your membership all items provided by the choir must be returned.
  • Any comments or complaints should be directed to a member of the committee.

The full choir rules can be found here – Choir Rules