Musical Director Kieron Howe

Kieron Howe
Kieron returned to the Leamington Spa area (where he was born) in 2015, having been a Choral Scholar at Royal Holloway, University of London, and subsequently pursuing an impressive music teaching career.

He has sung at services in many cathedrals and churches at home and abroad, including St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, St Thomas’ on Fifth Avenue, New York and The Basilica of the Holy Blood in Bruges; and has also given many solo performances.

Kieron is the Singing Strategy Lead with Warwickshire Music and an A Level Music examiner. Also a singing and Brass teacher.

In 2022 Kieron was one of 12 selected to go through to the semi-final of Brass Band England’s international conducting competition where he conducted The Hammonds Band in Wilfred Heaton’s Contest Music.

Kieron was appointed Musical Director of Village Voices in September 2022. We very much enjoy working with him and anticipate further development of the choir, under his direction.