Our Christmas Concert, Amid The Falling Snow, was held on 14th December 7.30pm at St. Nicholas Church, Warwick, where we raised £1,800 for New Chapters, our chosen charity for 2024.
Joining us in concert were:
Musical Director: Kieron Howe who has a long list of musical achievements and commitments, and the choir is so fortunate ‘he took us on’ in 2022.
Pianist: Roger Haygreen, our accompanist since 2010. Like Kieron he has a long list of musical achievements and we don’t know what we would do without him!
Flute: Sophie Robertson who plays flute in North Leamington Wind Band, Warwickshire County Wind Band, the recent Swan Youth Orchestra course and more.
Pianist: Julie Edwards an accomplished musician who directs and plays for Southam Melodymakers and is the accompanist for a number of singing groups.
Singing Group: Singing for Fun run by Kieron and set up in 2017 as a new enterprise of Warwickshire County Council’s Adult & Community Learning Team. It provides wonderful musical, health-giving and bonding experiences with a membership of at least 30.
Clarinet: Peter Wimpenny, a member of Village Voices and multi-instrument soloist and folk band player.
Below are some recordings from the concert:
Village Voices
Amid the Falling Snow Words: Roma Ryan, Music: Enya & Nicky Ryan
Ding Dong! Merrily on High 16th century French melody, arr. Peter Hunt
Village Voices and Singing for Fun
Te Harinui – Christmas song from New Zealand Willow Mack, arr. Wendy Sergeant
Village Voices
Coventry Carol 16th century English, arr. Martin Shaw
Shepherd’s Pipe Carol Words and music by John Rutter
Village Voices and Singing for Fun
Gaudete Piae Cantiones, 1582
Village Voices
Love Came Down Words: Cristina Rosetti, Music: Craig McLeish
Away in a Manger 19th century American, Melody: W.J Kirkpatrick
Winter Waltz Based on the poem Winter Waltz by Christy Ann Martine, Music: Wendy Sergeant