
BloodwiseSandra Hayward (Soprano) proposed the Heart of England Branch of Bloodwise, which is a charity dedicated to fighting all forms of blood cancer, as a charity supported by Village Voices in 2017. Her good friend, Anne Oliver, is the chair of the Heart of England Branch of Bloodwise. Anne and her husband, Jack, lost their younger daughter, Sophie, to Leukaemia about 20 years ago when Sophie was just 7 years old. Since then, Anne has worked tirelessly to support the Leukaemia Research Fund which later became known as Bloodwise, they are a small group of local voluntary supporters whose lives have been touched by blood cancer. They operate mainly in Leamington, Kenilworth, Warwick and Stratford-upon-Avon, holding street collections and fund raising events.

Village Voices raised £1750 for Bloodwise at its concert in June 2017 at Northgate Methodist Church. Sandra Hayward & Claire Darlington present the cheque to Anne Oliver for Bloodwise.
Bloodwise Cheque July 2017

See more about Bloodwise on their website.