Londonderry Trip April 2019

Friday 12th to Monday 15th April a number of the choir visited Londonderry. During their stay they were joined by Thornhill Chamber Choir and Colmcille Ladies Choir in concert on Saturday 13th April at the First Derry Presbyterian Church where £820 was raised in aid of The Western Health and Social Care Trust.

The choir also attended and sang at the First Derry Presbyterian Church Service on Sunday 14th April officiated by the Reverend David Latimer the church minister.

We are so grateful that David McGuckin, the superb church organist, was able to accompany the choirs and congregation, on piano and organ, at both the concert and Sunday service.

The visit to Derry was masterminded by our musical director, Trevor Barr; and during our stay he introduced us the architecture, history and culture of his home city, as well as finding time to rehearse and conduct the choir. Our grateful thanks go to Trevor and all who helped to organise our very successful and enjoyable time in Northern Ireland.



More photos can be viewed on the members’ social events page